It's my Blog and I'll Blog if I want to.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Carry On My Wayward Son

I just finished putting my make up on, and now my face is sore. :S
Lex is uuber grumpy and so am I!
He keeps walking around crying then looking at me, then coming over to me, and crying. He wants me to let him sit on my lap, but it's annoying when he's grabbing everything in site, and throwing it.
I have to work at 1:30 until 10. I'm dreading it. I'm so tired I just wanna sleep!
I was up until 1am redoing my resume. I'm actually happy at Future Shop, but I saw an awsome job opportunity that I just have to go we'll see. They may have already found someone tho, 'cause the posting was from the
Anyway not to much going on in these parts, we are all just recovering from the flu or Norwalk Virus. It was great fun!
Miserable that was!
Lex is still a bit under the weather, not eating and throws up every night...if he does it again tonight I'll bring him in to the dr.
I took him to the WalkN Clinic last night and she was of no help! She stuck that wooden stick in Lex's mouth and he chakked all over me, himself and some on her and on the floor. It was nasty. I was a bit annoyed.
Wasn't Lex's fault but I told her he was throwing up and she shoves the thing in his mouth anyway. I tell ya!
We went to Safeway before we went there and Lex kept saying Balloon over and over, it was cute! He is pretty good at saying it too!!!
Anyway he's getting out of control with his temper tantrums. I shall go.
I will try and update this more often!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wiggle While Your Giggiling.

Lex is asleep in my bed. I hope he has a goood longggg nap! He needs it!
We've started putting Lex to sleep in his crib, to get him out of our bed, because he hogs the whole thing!
It's been going well so far! So far we haven't had to do the CIO Method (Cry it Out).
The 2nd night he slept for 8 hrs straight with no getting up. And every night after that night he's been only sleeping about 4 hours so I've been bringing him back to bed.
Last night tho night number 4 he went to bed at 9 and fussed and stirred and fell asleep on his own, and then woke up around 5 to 3 and fussed and stirred some more and went to sleep on his own again. I was soooo extremely proud of him. Then he woke up at 4:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep and was starting to make cry sounds and I didn't want to wake the Church Girls up so took him back to bed with me....which is bad. I really need to just let him CIO at that 4:30 mark because he's waking up at that time like Clock Work 'cause he's smart and knows I will bring him to bed with me at that time.
Tonights a new we'll see how things go. Apparently if he has good hearty long naps during the day, it will make for better nights sleeps. He's also been eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner too. So he's getting his caloric needs made up early too. I read that if a baby doesn't get his calories he needs during the day he'll just keep eating at night until his needs are met!
Things are going great tho. Still love being a SAHM! Whoo! Lex will be 6 months old on the 21st...I can't believe it.
I'm a little sad 'cause we've decided that I Will go back to work after my Mat. Leave is up. We want to pay off Chris' student Loan so that we will have virtually almost no debt! Then we can have another baby and we can spoil Lex and the Baby and I will not work again! (that's the plan anyway)
This weekend is Easter Weekend. Nancy is doing an Easter Egg Hunt. It's funny 'cause it's for the older kids...older kids being in their 20's-30's. lol.
Ohwell I'm not complaining. I love chocolate!
We have no cable here, so I've been going nuts without tv. Especially when I nurse Lex i need something to do!
I'm missing all my shows too! Thank Goodness for D to tape them for me!
Lex had his immunizations done yesterday. He was such a tough boy! He cried when she poked him with the needle and when she pulled it out, but then was fine after and acted like nothing happened. Unlike the last time he got them done, the poor guy, had a cold and was teething! :S
Were all settled in this house now. It's great to be back. Lex and I have gone for good walks around the neighbourhood. The last one was an hour long! We walked around the block 3 times!
I really missed it here. I really miss being so close to my parents tho too. Ohwell with the take-0ut open again we will stop by lots to visit! Lex can see the take-out that he will take over one day....just kidding.
We still need to go to the old house and clean and get some crap and take it to the dump!
Anyway I think I hear Lex stirring so I best be tending to him.
Got Chelsey and Katelyn popping for a visit after. So ttyl.

Friday, March 10, 2006

It takes Different Strokes to Move the World!

It's a bit rainy out and just finished snowing all night and day pretty much.
Lex is in his swing having a snooze.
He's the cutest little button on this side of the planet...I say that 'cause I'm pretty sure there's GOTTA be a baby on the OTHER side of the planet just as cute. :)
So today's Friday, on Wednsday I came down with the 24 hour flu bug....oh man did it suck!!!
I had to call Chris and have him come home from work to help with Lex 'cause I just didn't have the strength or energy to look after Lex.
I think my being sick has helped Chris with Lex, 'cause usually Lex would only tolerate people for about 20 mins and then he'd cry for me. But since I was sick and couldn't hold him all the time he knew that, and now he's fine...I
Today is Lex's Nana's birthday!! Were going over there after Chris gets off work.
I was hoping to get out to Walmart or something to pick her up a card and present but I don't like driving in the snow!
Chris's sister Natasha was supposed to be coming to visit too. Not to sure if she's still coming since she didn't want to drive in the snow either.
She's supposed to be bringing up her computer stand that she got from Ikea for us too, since were moving and we want the computer downstairs but this computer desk takes up TONS of space...yes were moving. Were moving back to our old house.
We figured it made no sense to live here, yes it's close to my parents/family but our other house was close to Chris' work and everything and had a yard, and we could have both cats and they could go outside.
If we continue to live here we'd need a 2nd vehicle and we just can't afford that right but we need to do it. So April 1st we're Courtenayers again! haha. I did enjoy my short time as a Comoxian tho.
So Lex is getting bigger and stronger every day! It's so exciting to see how much he's changed or learned in a day! They do so much growing and learning in that one short year!!! It's crazy!
So he's got two teeth. I think he understands the word "up" 'cause he starts to lean forward when you say that when your changing his diaper. My little Smarty Pants!!!
Anyway I better get going my eyes are starting to hurt!! :S

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I will be your preacher teacher

Ugh....I am totally stressed. Lex has been crabby and crying pretty much all morning!!! It's driving me nuts!
He's fed, he's clean, I don't know what to do!!!
Jodi said if he's crying and can't stop and there's nothing you can do, then to just put him down until he stops.
So I put him in his swing. He cried and cried for a bit and then just stopped...ohh...he's starting again. I can hear in his voice he's getting tired tho that hiccup sound.
*sigh* Chris is at work right now, it sucks doing this alone!!!!!
I'm listening to George Michaels "Father Figure" he'll help me through. haha.
I think it's 'cause Lex is teething. He's already got his two bottom teeth poked through, I think he may be getting one on the sides or something 'cause that's where he chomps on my fingers.
I feel so bad.
If he is in pain, he just wants me to comfort him, but it's hard 'cause he's CRYING. :(
It's been a tough week, he got a cold and then got his immunizations and then was out of it for a bit, and I thought it was from the cold, but turns out he was teething too. I did'nt know so ya. Poor little guy.
I did a bit of cleaning, got the laundry folded, and dishes done. Hopefully Lex will fall asleep so I can get lunch prepared.
Anyway I better get goin'.
btw Lex is 4 months old now!!! WOW!

Monday, February 06, 2006

I saw the world float to the darkside of the moon.

(First off I"d like to say hi to Dan...err...Trip..if he happens to be reading this again...haha.)
Lex is asleep right now (he has been sleeping for most of today...I wonder if he's feeling alright!?)
Anyway so had time to do dishes, laundry, fold laundry, make lunch, clean up from Lunch, read a couple pages of "What to expect in the first year" watch Days of our Lives and some other to write in here while I have the chance.
Yesterday Lex tried Rice Cereal for the first time. He didn't quite know what to do with the food and spat a bit out, but he liked it!
I gave him some more today but used less formula and more rice cereal this time...he was a bit surprised and didnt' know what to think about the consistency of it in his mouth! lol. Way cute.
Chris had to do a delivery out of town today so he isn't home yet. I was starving and made myself some Pancakes. They were delicious. :)
Tomorrow I'm going to another baby/mommy group with my sister-in-law Chelsey and her daugther Katelyn.
Hope it's's at a church...I'm not sure if it's the church that organizes it...or if it's just being held there....I hope it's not to religious...not that I'm not a believer...I just don't flaunt it and know all the churchy stuff...yeh know?
I hope tomorrow's a nice day anyway. I think D's coming over since it's one of her day's off and it would be nice if we could go for a walk or something possibly...see if were upto it.
I saw that the airpark had a new extension added on...would like to check it out.
Oh! And we want to go to the Childrens Consignment store too. Busy busy!
I am so bored. Lex wake-up!!! haha.
Yesterday we went to Craig and Chelseys to watch the Super Bowl. They made Nacho's and Prawns with Garlic butter. It was yummy.
The team we were all routing for (Seahawks) didn't win. Ohwell. Better luck next year.
Oh my gosh I am so bored, I think i'm gonna pop in a movie...But I'm bored of all my movies....Chris come home....I'm boredddddd.
Ok well I gotta jetski. I don't really, but I'm bored with this already.
So there.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

Emeril is on in the background as I write this. Lex is down for his nap.
I got the dishes done thankgoodness! I usually can't get anything done in a day 'cause Lex is at a funny stage in his little life where he only wants to be held to eat, and sleep...*sigh*
I haven't written in so long! In Lex years alot has happened and been done!
Lex will be 4 months old in 21 days! I can't believe it!
Yesterday he had his baby portraits done for 3 months. Deidre came with me. He was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't stop smiling he just makes me smile everytime I look at him!
He is cooing and laughing so hard now!
He loves to sit up on my lap or stand up on my lap. He HATES to be cradled in my arms unless it's to eat!
I was looking at some pics of him from October and WOW has he ever changed. a few months is alot in baby time!
Tomorrow Lex and I start Kindermusik I'm so excited!
Lex really loved the demo at our Moms and Babes group.
I want to start him in Aquatots too, since he really enjoys his time in the bath! Splishing around. :)
We got a new car, it's a four door. We almost got denied...well we did get denied, but in the end our carlot came through for us, and we turned in our sporty two door and got the 4. We really wanted a van, but it was out of reach for us, financially wise.
Anyway things are still going well for us, and I love every moment I have spending time with Lex. He is the sunshine in my life...I know sounds corny but it's the truth!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

7 Weeks!

Just noticed that I haven't written in awhile, so here I am while Lex is watching his mobile in his bassinett.
Chris, and I watched Batman Begins last night while Lex was asleep on my lap. But we ended up falling asleep, so Lex and I finished it this morning. It's so good!!! I can't wait for the sequel or whatever!
I can't believe only 15 more days until Christmas!!! It comes up so fast! Lex is now 7 Weeks and 1 day old!!! Lex' 2 month birthday is coming too!!! TWO MONTHS! That's just wild...
Lex is changing so much everyday, it's exciting and sad all at the same time! :( I was looking at some baby pictures of my nephews and neice, and Mateo who is only 3 months older then Lex doesn't even look like his baby picture of his first month of life...that made me sad to think that Lex isn't going to look anything like he does now in a few months...almost as if I'm going to lose him or something...
He is just so cute, I can't stop looking at him, or smiling at him, or touching him.
Like Chris says, "I just want to squeeze him" lol.
He's doing alot of baby talk right now, when you talk to him. I LOVE IT!
I can't wait until he's a bit older like 6 months old so I can teach him baby signs! He'll be the smartest baby on the block!
Don't be fooled by the rocks that Lex has got...
he's still he's still Lexy from the block. :P
He's getting really strong, you can feel him pressing up on you into a stand position when your holding him on your lap, and his neck is getting so strong!
Anyway so yup things are still good! I'm lovin' every minute being with my little man. I so don't want to go back to work!
I can't wait for Christmas to be over's to depressing since I don't work we can't afford to buy everyone and ourselves decently nice Christmas Gifts, and it's stressing me out.
I bought Lex a baby book that you fill out his information into about his growing up and such. I thought that was a nice 1st Christmas gift.
So Lex has had his first taste of something other then Breastmilk or Formula...Chris gave him a few licks of his Candy Cane...:S
I'm not to worried tho, because I read when your baby has a sore upset tummy to give them something pepperminty...apparently that Ovol medicine stuff is just peppermint something to relief their pains.
Anyway nothing really new to say, I am gonna go and eat some breakfast while I have some free hands!!!